He Said, She Said: Lessons, Stories, and Mistakes from My Transgender Journey
¨Today, Gigi Gorgeous is beloved for her critically-acclaimed documentary, her outrageous sense of humor, her no-holds-barred honesty, and her glam Hollywood lifestyle. Ten years ago, she was a gawky Canadian teen named Gregory. In He Said, She Said, Gigi brings us on her personal journey from Gregory to Gigi, going deeper than ever before and exposing her vulnerability behind each struggle and triumph, with her signature humor on every page.
With stunning photography and heirloom snapshots, He Said, She Said takes us back to Gigi’s early years as an Olympic-bound diver and high school mean girl, losing her mom at a tragically young age, and her journey of opening up about her sexuality and gender identity. She walks us through her transition, baring it all about dating and heartbreak in her stories of falling in love with both men and women.
Uproarious, unconventional, and unabashedly candid, Gigi shares never-before-heard stories, inspiration, and advice about how your life can take you to incredible places once you get real with yourself.
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Det sterke kjønn.Marianne Nordli
Sommeren 1981. Karl Ole vinner nordnorsk mesterskap i spyd og får sølv i kulestøt. En veltrent, maskulin gutt, men bare utenpå. I sitt hjerte er han ikke i tvil, han er kvinne og vil leve som kvinne. Det er nok nå.
I dag er Marianne suksessrik forretningskvinne, foredragsholder og på valg til Stortinget. I denne boken forteller hun om sin kamp for å få korrigert sitt kjønn og kunne leve som den kvinnen hun alltid har vært. Marianne deler også unike erfaringer om det å være kvinne i et mannsdominert yrkesliv.
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She’s Not There
She’s Not There is the story of a person changing genders, the story of a person bearing and finally revealing a complex secret; above all, it is a love story. By turns hilarious and deeply moving, Jennifer Finney Boylan explores the remarkable territory that lies between men and women, examines changing friendships, and rejoices in the redeeming power of family. She’s Not There is a portrait of a loving marriage—the love of James for his wife, Grace, and, against all odds, the enduring love of Grace for the woman who becomes her “sister,” Jenny.
To this extraordinary true story, Boylan brings the humorous, fresh voice that won her accolades as one of the best comic novelists of her generation. With her distinctive and winning perspective, She’s Not There explores the dramatic outward changes and unexpected results of life as a woman: Jenny fights the urge to eat salad, while James consumed plates of ribs; gone is the stability of “one damn mood, all the damn time.”
While Boylan’s own secret was unusual, to say the least, she captures the universal sense of feeling uncomfortable, out of sorts with the world, and misunderstood by her peers. Jenny is supported on her journey by her best friend, novelist Richard Russo, who goes from begging his friend to “Be a man” (in every sense of the word) to accepting her as an attractive, buoyant woman. “The most unexpected thing,” Russo writes in his Afterword to the book, “is in how Jenny’s story we recognize our shared humanity.”
As James evolves into Jennifer in scenes that are by turns tender, startling, and witty, a marvelously human perspective emerges on issues of love, sex, and the fascinating relationship between our physical and our intuitive selves. Through the clear eyes of a truly remarkable woman, She’s Not Thereprovides a new window on the often confounding process of accepting ourselves
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Sometimes it Hurts: A Transgender Woman's Journey
Allison Whitaker was born in the wrong body. Born into a life in a world that would never be right, it was never made for her. Growing up, she never knew how to confront the fact that she was transgender and buried all of her anxiety and depression deep within, focusing her energy into, and obsessing over hobbies to get her mind off of everything she hid from the world.
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The Other Woman
In 2007 life was humming along quite nicely. Happily married for 28 years to the love of my life, three gorgeous children and now living in idyllic surroundings, it was like a dream. That dream was soon to turn into a nightmare. When my husband took me for a walk along the beach one March afternoon I did not expect to come back facing a completely different life and wondering what on earth I was going to do next. Like all families we had our ups and downs but we always seemed to sort ourselves out. However, my husband’s revelation as we walked along the beach together was going to be a hard thing to work through. How do you hold it all together when you husband tells you that he has always wanted to live as a woman? With no experience and very little knowledge of what transgender meant I naïvely believed that it would be possible for me to support my husband and keep our family together. This is the story of the impact on all of us of Colin’s transition from male to female and the sometimes absurd happenings as I searched for new love and romance. Our story is one that hasn’t really been explored yet but it is worth learning about as the journey applies to many people out there who are stoic and determined, sometimes to their own detriment and that of their families, who are coming to terms with the loss of their partner, father, brother or son. If there are any lessons in these pages, they are that what any of us does has a direct impact on those who love us and as hard as it may be, there are times when it just can’t be about us; try to remember that those around you deserve your support too.
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Becoming Kimberly: A Transgender's Journey
Kimberly Davis knew who she was on the inside. Despite being born a male, she was very much a woman. Unfortunately, the realities of living in a rural, redneck area forced her to dress and act as a man. She spent sixty-three years living as one. It was only when her beloved wife passed away that Kimberly decided to complete her transition. She took her wife’s death as a sign that it was time to start finally living as herself.
This poignant memoir chronicles every step of her transition, from her first feelings of gender dysphoria to the surgery that completely changed her life.
Kimberly thought long and hard about her decision to have gender-reassignment surgery, and she candidly discusses the challenges the transition entails. While the obstacles often seemed enormous, Kimberly managed to find the hope and humor in each small moment. She details the tips her coworkers gave her as she completed her transition, from clothes to makeup to everything else. Kimberly had been a woman all her life, but through the surgery, her courage, and help from her friends, she was finally able to show the world what she had seen all along.
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Becoming Myself: The True Story of Thomas Who Became Sara
The courageous story of Sara-Jane and her triumphant journey to find her true self
A story of genuine victory despite the most incredible of odds
Born into a family of twelve children in Ballyfermot, Dublin, Thomas had a childhood full of bullying and humiliation. All the time Thomas was hiding a dark secret that was buried so deep, not even he understood it.
Desperate to fit in, he looked for answers in religion, work, even marriage. But through his struggle and despair he reached rock-bottom and eventually tried to take his own life.
With the help of good friends and much soul-searching, Thomas was able to have confirmed what he had somehow always known – that he had been born in the wrong body and that he was actually a woman. The medical diagnosis of gender identity disorder – a physical and neurological condition – has allowed Thomas to step out of the shadows and to face the world at last as Sara-Jane, the person he truly was all along.
Brave, humorous and powerful, Sara-Jane’s story is one of momentous personal change set against the backdrop of a changing Ireland, an Ireland now ready to embrace the growing visibility of LGBT voices in politics and preparing for the Marriage Equality Referendum in May 2015.
In sharing her powerful story of gender identity disorder with honesty, compassion and humour, Sara-Jane Cromwell is a living example of triumph over overwhelming odds, and of a rare courage which will give hope to many, and inspiration to all.
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Vi i Harry Benjamin ressurssenter jobber for personer som opplever kjønnsdyfori. Eller opplever det som veldig ofte blir omtalt på folkemunne et behov for å skifte kjønn, født i feil kropp. Noen bruker også transseksuelle, transkjønnet, trans, transperson. Dette er begreper vi ikke bruker. Disse begrepene oppleves som identitetskapende. På lik linje med andre som får en diagnose, så er ikke vi vår egen diagnose. Men vi har en diagnose.
Vi mener det er viktig at hver enkelt har en reel rett til egen definisjon. Derfor bruker vi i HBRS begreper som kjønnsdysfori, kjønnsinkongruens, kjønnsidentitetsutfordringer, kjønnsmangfold og div. andre begreper som sier hva det handler om, ikke hvem man er. Så er det opp til den enkelte hva som passer for de.