Manning Up: Transsexual Men on Finding Brotherhood, Family and Themselves
Twenty-seven men who transitioned from female to male discuss their roles as male community members: fathers, sons, brothers, husbands, boyfriends, friends, and mentors. Not since Max Wolf Valerio’s The Testosterone Files and Jamison Green’s Becoming a Visible Man has nonfiction seen such thorough and sensitive explorations of manhood, masculinity, and male embodiment—and never in a collection with such a diversity of voices. Contributors offer an incredible range of cultural, class, ethnic, spiritual, and generational backgrounds. Their work addresses topics including birthing and raising children, gay male sexuality, facing racism, and finding solace in deeply held religious beliefs. Contributors include established writers such as Valerio, Aaron Devor (author of FTM: Female-to-Male Transsexuals in Society), and Ryan Sallans (author of Second Son), as well as exciting new authors.
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Below the Belt: Genital Talk by Men of Trans Experience
Have you ever wondered what men think about their junk? Or what they feel and say about it? Raw and revealing, this collection brings together the voices of 25 men of trans experience who openly share intimate details of how gender transitioning has changed their genitalia, gender identity, and lives. These personal stories and essays take you on an odyssey of men’s innermost thoughts and feelings about erections, orgasms, penis pumping, genital reconstruction, pregnancy, menstruation, and more. Raw, frank, and sometimes funny, these cutting-edge testimonies redefine what it means to be a man in the 21st century.
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Hung Jury: Testimonies of Genital Surgery by Transsexual Men
This pioneering anthology released by Transgress Press is the first of its kind, presenting raw, unadulterated testimonies of transsexual men’s experiences of sex reassignment surgery. The collection offers a comprehensive understanding of why transsexual men choose genital surgery and its transformative impact on their lives. Hung Jury has widespread appeal, catching the attention and interests of a wide and diverse readership looking to understand transsexuality, sex, and gender identity. Because the book breaks new ground in LGBT, Gender, and feminist studies moreover, it is also an excellent read for courses taught in these academic fields.
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Body Alchemy: Transsexual Portraits
Kvalitetsbilder og litt tekst som beskriver Cameron’s oppturer og nedturer når han endrer kjønn fra kvinne til mann. Boken dokumenterer også nøye andre menn med transseksualisme. Et eget kapittel dekker de mange muligheter som er tilgjengelige for å skape et mannlig kjønnsorgan. Ler mere om boken her .
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Both Sides Now: One Man's Journey Through Womanhood
San Francisco attorney Khosla contends that there is a unique door to the unknown for each person. His quest for inner peace led to opening it up to a man trapped within a woman’s body. Khosla was living as a lesbian when an ex-girlfriend shared a 1994 New Yorker article on female-to-male (FTM) sex changes, and it helped Khosla to arrange the pieces of a personal puzzle through a series of gender-reassignment surgeries. After attending FTM support meetings and undergoing continuing therapy, Khosla informed two female supervisors, who proved supportive; her European parents, who were accepting; and an uncle and an aunt, who felt only so-so about it. Hormone therapy brought mood changes and irritability, but Khosla enjoyed short hair and being called “sir” by strangers. Eventually, there were a full hysterectomy and multiple further surgical and emotional changes before Khosla arrived as the man in the dust-jacket photograph. Keen observation, warmth, and humor make Khosla’s journey most readable. Whitney Scott
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Becoming alec
Alec always thought she was a lesbian. She got thrown out of her house for it as a teenager, in fact. But when she moves to Chicago she begins a journey of self- discovery that leads to a place that she never imagined possible. She discovers that she isn’
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Vi i Harry Benjamin ressurssenter jobber for personer som opplever kjønnsdyfori. Eller opplever det som veldig ofte blir omtalt på folkemunne et behov for å skifte kjønn, født i feil kropp. Noen bruker også transseksuelle, transkjønnet, trans, transperson. Dette er begreper vi ikke bruker. Disse begrepene oppleves som identitetskapende. På lik linje med andre som får en diagnose, så er ikke vi vår egen diagnose. Men vi har en diagnose.
Vi mener det er viktig at hver enkelt har en reel rett til egen definisjon. Derfor bruker vi i HBRS begreper som kjønnsdysfori, kjønnsinkongruens, kjønnsidentitetsutfordringer, kjønnsmangfold og div. andre begreper som sier hva det handler om, ikke hvem man er. Så er det opp til den enkelte hva som passer for de.